Projection Mapping in King's Lynn Town


Project Drawdown’s


4 Weeks


Projection Mapping

Climate Chronicles: Projection Mapping for Change in King's Lynn Town


Crafting Contrast in Ambient Light

Undertaking a projection mapping project for the climate change movement in King's Lynn Town, the primary challenge lay in creating contrast-rich content that could contend with the town's ambient light. Bright surroundings posed a hurdle, necessitating the design of visually striking elements like fire and water simulations to ensure the content's visibility. The objective was to seamlessly integrate the visual narrative with the historic buildings, fostering engagement and awareness amidst challenging lighting conditions.


Dynamic Elements in Complex Shapes

The overarching goal of this project was to introduce dynamic elements, such as fire and water simulations, into the projection mapping narrative. These elements needed to interact harmoniously with the intricate shapes of historic buildings, including the complexities of the town's church. The challenge was not only to craft visually compelling content but to ensure that it complemented and enhanced the unique architectural features of each building. Achieving harmony between dynamic elements and complex shapes was pivotal for an immersive and impactful projection experience.


Retopology Mastery and Multisource Modeling

Addressing the challenges, our solution involved mastery in retopology, navigating the complexities of the town's church and other historic buildings. Precision in crafting low-poly elegance became paramount to ensure seamless integration of dynamic elements. Additionally, the 3D models of the buildings were derived from a combination of LiDAR scans and photogrammetric scans. This multisource modeling approach allowed for a detailed and accurate representation of each building, ensuring the projection mapping aligned seamlessly with the architectural nuances. The result was a meticulous blend of technical finesse and creative prowess, where the projection mapping not only interacted dynamically with the buildings but also stood out vividly in the bright ambient light, delivering a powerful visual narrative for the climate change movement.

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❌Argh, looks like you've missed something :/